We extend the boundaries of healthcare performance and value. Providers of healthcare, whether medical practices, hospitals, care managers, pharmacies or medical device and pharma companies, will succeed or fail not on the basis of their volume, but on how well their services or products improve patient outcomes.


We deliver game-changing solutions that prove and improve clinical and financial performance.

With every patient interaction, healthcare providers capture valuable data about treatments, outcomes, cost and price. These data can be transformed into clinical intelligence that can be used to improve outcomes, operational efficiencies, profitability and standards of care. Clinical intelligence is also valuable to pharmaceutical and medical device companies, insurers and other industry participants.


BMed Solutions  helps all healthcare providers realize the full value of clinical intelligence.


We offer a conflict-free, win-win means of working with providers within the healthcare industry, including medical device, pharmaceutical, insurance, associations, and service companies.


Clinical intelligence is rarely used by medical practices because its been complex and expensive to obtain and use. But its clinical and financial value is significant because it allows providers strong voice in defining value-based measures. Effective measurement equates to higher quality, lower costs, and rewards for performance and innovation. 


Click here to see where you fall on our value continuum and how Boundary Medical can help you create your future.