WHY BMed Solutions



BMed Solutions   helps healthcare providers and other industry participants realize the intrinsic and monetary value of clinical intelligence. Practitioners are being judged now, usually with incomplete, inappropriate or biased measures by web services, payors, hospitals, healthcare systems and many others. They don’t consider these measures in the context of patient characteristics and they don’t measure how well patients do. While medical providers have always been focused on improving patient outcomes, rarely have they systematically captured and analyzed clinical data. Almost never have they considered clinical intelligence as the strategic asset it is.


With healthcare moving to value-based reimbursement and all healthcare costs being scrutinized, providers must capture and use their clinical intelligence if they are to survive and thrive in the future.We help clients take control of their clinical data and outcome measures and use them as clinical intelligence at the practice level.

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and improvement.
If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it.
If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it.
If you can’t control it, you can’t improve it.
Dr. H. James Harrington

JWe are also partnering with practices to form physician-owned Medical Specialty Outcome Networks that enable physicians to collaborate without sharing confidential information. Using B.Med Solutions, network physicians develop and track meaningful, treatment-specific measures against network benchmarks. The networks and their data offer many revenue opportunities. For more information, please contact us.


Partnered with BMed Solutions , healthcare practitioners move from data to knowledge, earning increases in value throughout the process. Where do you fall on our Value Continuum?